International Women's Day

Today is International Women’s Day. As a woman-led company, we are focused on gender equity in the workforce and shifting power to women across all systems.

It’s no coincidence that the majority of our nonprofit clients are led by women, in which the majority of those teams are also women. For the political and issue campaigns we support, the well-being of women’s health, economic security, safety and overall access to decision-making is at the core of our policy framework and overall messaging strategy.

We believe that when you are intentional about uplifting the voices and concerns of those who are not the majority stakeholders in our political and financial systems, everyone will benefit from those equitable advancements. It's important to stand up for the most vulnerable in our community and work to dismantle institutional abuse and neglect by those in positions of power. Sometimes it takes courage to find your voice, but when you do, it’s so powerful.

Right now, there are leaders who are hellbent on oppressing LGBTQ individuals, especially trans folks, and revoking many of the civil rights we’ve fought so hard for. We’re here to say that we stand with trans women and will continue to fight for your right to live and exist.

Shannon Strategies is a champion for women to be fully heard, represented, celebrated and taken seriously. Our team is proud to be part of efforts to elect more progressive women of color into office, mobilize communities to advocate for change and be an example of how women can lead across our industry. We encourage other small business owners to use their position in the community to do the same. Let’s create a new way of doing business and build a stronger pipeline for young women to be successful leaders. 


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